Today I want to talk about Jane, a 28 years old cute, sexy woman from the Philippines that I met in Doha, in August 2015. She is the very first woman that I managed to seduce in a matter of three hours from meeting her. She made me realize that fast Seduction actually works, and is quite powerful!
Background: where I stood in August 2015
I began my journey into learning seduction around July 2014. Initially I was just looking to see if I could use a few “gaming tips” to get myself a girlfriend. But starting from January 2015, I was really determined to learn dating as a skill – so that I would never screw up a date again.
By the time I met Jane, I had probably been on about twenty dates in a matter of twelve months. Sure, I had scored a few successes already… And I had already understood a few important principles, such as
- letting her do most of the talking
- initiating physical contact
- creating sexual tension
But I was still missing something as most dates where leading nowhere. The pattern I was still facing too often was, the second or third date typically derailing into no man’s land.
The trigger
Mid august 2015, I went on a date with a very beautiful girl that was obviously into me. However, as the date was extending late into the evening, and we were both working early the next day, we ended the date and returned in our respective homes. Later in the week, I recontacted her and tried to setup another date. I completely missed what she was trying to convey, our communication went south, and in the end she flaked on our second date.
The whole interaction was detailed in this post.
The morale of the story was: I could have concluded this story in a mutually satisfying way if only I had tried to bring her home right after the first date. But I didn’t. Bringing a girl you just met in your home and make sex happen, man, that’s ballsy! I had never done that… There was still a voice in my head telling me that this was too early, and surely good girls didn’t do that…
Here comes Jane
Right after my beautiful date flaked on me, I found myself alone at home during the weekend with no plans. Back in those days, the app I was mainly using to meet new girls was WeChat. WeChat is a sort of mobile-based Facebook app very popular in Asia. So I opened my WeChat and started to send openers to maybe 15 online girls. And soon I find myself chatting to a few girls. Among them, Jane, a cute Philippines woman, widow mother of two who came in this Middle East country to earn a living and support her family.
Me: Hi Jane, I’m Tarzan!
Her: What a unique name!
In the Middle East, the Philippines girls make up for a large part of the dating landscape, along with the African and Lebanese girls. So I quickly asked her if she was available tonight, but no, she could only go out in the afternoon. Well, I was not available the afternoon, so the chat went off. I made some attempts with the other girls I was chatting, but they all ended up in a flop.
Setting up the date
On Sunday morning, while being at work (yes, Muslim country…), I greeted Jane again with “Good morning”. She politely answered then went silent. However, later in the afternoon she reverted back to me, and this time she was the one asking questions about me.
This is a usually a good thing to see when you are meeting girls online. Her leading the conversation with questions is actually a sign of interest. The caveat is, you should avoid to answer the questions in a linear straightforward fashion. You do answer her questions, most of the time. But sometimes you do not quite answer the precise question. Sometimes you shoot her question back at her. And sometimes you just move the conversation away. Keep some mystery, and only satisfy her curiosity at 60 – 70%.
So she went on asking about my marital status, where I lived, if I was in a flat, if I was living alone etc… I didn’t know that yet, but when a girl asks you specific questions about your living arrangements, it usually means she’s interested in coming with you to your place.
Her: What if I meet you?
This is a typical test. You must avoid a linear, boring answer.
Me: Are you asking me for marriage?
Her: No haha
Me: Good. Then we can meet.
Her: Ok next time my boss is away we can meet. Maybe tomorrow
And indeed she texted me the next day. We agreed to meet for a coffee by 5pm, right after my work. There were no Ubers yet in these days, so I drove and picked her at her place, then brought her to a mall for a drink.
The date with Jane
So I was now seeing her in real for the first time. She was cute, though not as much as anticipated from the pictures. Besides that, she had a cheerful, easy going personality, smiling and overall pleasant. The memory of my recent aforementioned date had left a bad taste on my mouth, so this time, I had to try! So I decided on the spot that I would attempt to take her home.
We spent an hour in a discreet coffee shop. At the current stage of my learning of dating, I was already able to decently run a date:
- Building some emotional connection by letting her do most of the talking
- Making lots of eye contact
- Smiling the right way
- Using sexy voice tone
Another thing I was already good at, was building sexual tension. The game of the day was to build up tension but avoiding physical contact at first.
Soon, our drinks were finished. It was around 6:30 pm, I paid the bill, then told her: “Look, I had no plans beyond this drink, and I thought I would do a dinner on my own. So now, I can either drive you home… or you come with me to my home and we cook something”.
She laughed and agreed to come to my home.
Wow! So this is how hard it is to bring home a girl you met an hour ago. That was news to me. I had read about it… But it was a whole other thing to experience it in real.
I had carefully chosen the coffee shop to be 5 minutes away from my home. During the short trip there, I decided to the barrier of physical contact and take her hand in mine. I immediately noticed her subtle signs of relief as she welcomed my touch. With her hand in mine, she was now smiling and giggling. I was good!
At home
I made her comfortable, then we immediately moved to my kitchen, and had her help me with the cooking. She was next to me, giggling, laughing and taking pictures. I kissed her gently on her forehead and took her in my arms. We briefly made out. We had a quick dinner along with a glass of wine… then moved on to my living room on the couch.
She was now in my arms, and we were looking at pictures on my phone, and watching some Youtube videos. My hand moved under her tee-shirt. “Do you like my touch?” I whispered. Obviously she did, so I continued. She was now the one venturing a hand on my chest.
“What do you like in girls?” she asked. I withdrew my physical presence a little bit, and returned her the question. Then resumed my escalation. Beneath her shirt, my hand had now moved to her boobs. “Is it Wonderbra stuff? Or are they real?” She giggled. They were real.
“Oh maybe you want to touch me as well?” I took her hand and placed it on my belly. She enjoyed the body hair… then I moved her hand further down, on my hard on (through trousers). “Here is my friend Paul. He is my good friend”. “What????” “His name is Paul”. In the meantime, I was now playing with her nipples – still beneath the shirt.
“Is this where you sleep?” she suddenly asked. Covert communication for “let us move to your bedroom”. I picked up the message instantly, then took her to my bedroom. On the bed, I finally got her tee-shirt off, and the rest. She came loudly within a minute. We had a second round.
Later in the evening, I drove her back home.
Wow. So that stuff worked so easily!
The following weeks
I was up to something, but I really had to know if I could reiterate the experience. Was it really that easy each time?
5 days later
I got in online touch with another woman. We hit it off, then I started texting her pictures of my cooking. On Saturday night, 5 days after my encounter with Jane, I invited that woman for a first date straight in my home “to try my cooking”. In the same evening, I took her to bed.
Another 7 days later.
I got in touch with a third woman. She was a sales lady in a shopping mall. She had a split shift on that Saturday, and we agreed to meet for a coffee during her break time. The coffee lasted for an hour, the silence fell on us, and she still had 3 hours to go before resuming her work. I told her we could get our second coffee in my home – and she agreed. In my home, we quickly moved to bed.
After Jane, by the end of the year, I had taken 13 new women in bed. Almost one new girl every week! That was more than in my whole lifetime before. Soon, I was juggling between new dates and recurring girls.
Thinking about all these dates I have been to which ended nowhere, when it was actually so simple! Just in the 12 months prior to meeting Jane, there had been 14 such dates.
It was simple! Meet her, make her comfortable, invite her at home, and take her to bed. That recipe had worked every time.
Of course, there are a few subtleties. For instance, it should be executed in total confidence with zero awkwardness, so it requires a good self control. You also need to understand how to build up sexual tension. But in essence, it is very simple.
We men insist in making it much more complicated than it needs to be. We want to invite her in a nice restaurant, bring some flowers, impress her with our achievements and money. Also, we want to show how great boyfriend we would make. Finally, we believe that we have to win her over the course of several dates before we can go to sexual territory. I certainly believed all that!
You can scrap all that. All you need is:
- a coffee shop
- one date and one hour of face time
- a home where you can bring her after the date
Back to Jane
After our date, Jane started texting me three times a day, every day. And she tried to have us meet every day. I was ok to see her more, but I didn’t want us to become exclusive boyfriend – girlfriend. So I pushed back a little, went “busy”, deferred her attempts at meeting, while still keeping in touch.
Besides, the following two weekends, I was genuinely busy with other girls as described above.
Yet I maintained the communication with Jane. We met a second time, about three weeks after our first encounter. She had been sending me some very suggestive pictures of her open legs, during the week, so when she texted “let’s drink”, I agreed. She came on a Friday morning, very sexy in a yellow short dress… and we stayed two hours in bed.
The new thing was, she was now talking to me about her boyfriend. And I was giving her advice about him. LOL. Note that she hadn’t mentioned any boyfriend before we met.
More than that: she actually tried to set me in the role of the boyfriend. However, when I resisted, she got the message, and I was now in the category of “friend with casual sex”. And that was news to me as well!
Jane’s boyfriend
It turned out that her “boyfriend” was a guy she had met once in a mall, shortly before we met, with whom she exchanged contact details, and had been texting with regularly since then. No further meeting had happened yet – let alone sex.
The funny thing was, that guy apparently was now going out with another girl instead, and Jane was complaining of his “cheating her”. When I pointed out to her that, in the meantime, she had made love with me, she answered “but it’s not the same!”.
She just had the expectation of a relationship with him – even if they had met only once. Whereas she didn’t have the same expectation with me, although we were now lovers. In her mind, he was cheating her by going out with another woman. But she wasn’t cheating him by going to bed with me!
Aaaah girls’ logic is always a funny thing to witness 😃. But to fully understand, I would need to also know what the guy had been telling her. And I’m ready to bet that he had made some sort of promises to get her. Some guys do that!
It was clear than no such thing had been necessary to establish a pleasant sexual relationship with her.
The takeaways from this experience
That little voice that had been telling me that a girl would never follow me so early in my home, had been plain wrong. It was just a pure construct of my education. It had to be unlearned!
The other big learning is that you can seduce a girl without any heartache – as long as you manage her expectations. There was no need to lie or misrepresent my intention at any point. There was no need to make her expect a committed relationship. It was a casual relationship, it has been made clear to her from the very beginning, and therefore there was no unnecessary heartache.
Women are more open to casual relationships than they care to admit. Casual flings have advantages for them as well – the biggest of which being getting their sexual needs tended to, without the entailed “headaches” usually coming with it. Of course, what they really want (in the long term) is the serious, committed relationship. They will first try to frame you in this role, and if it doesn’t work, they will keep looking for the perfect boyfriend. But until they find one, they will be fine seeing you casually.
Jane and myself kept in touch for nearly a year after that. She would come and ask me for advice with her dating. I would give her my advice gladly. And once in a while, we would be on the same bed.
And that’s about it regarding Jane, dear Reader. It was a great experience! I hope you have enjoyed the read and found it as inspiring as I did.