Note from The Doctor: This article is a blog post by an American expat named Seth Colvin that has lived in Colombia since 2006. To learn more about all you need to know regarding living and dating in Colombia, check out his website ( Enjoy this article on the “15 Tips for Dating Colombian Women.”
Every year, Colombia is becoming an increasingly popular tourist destination for foreigners visiting this country. Many of them from the US, Canada, other parts of Latin America and Europe.
Sometimes they visit to enjoy the beautiful scenery this country has to offer but also because the word has been out for quite a while now that Colombian women are some of the most beautiful in Latin America.
And also relatively easy to date and get laid with.
So if you want to be one of many who visit to Colombia to have success with Colombian women, check out these 15 tips for dating Colombian women.
Tip 1: Learn Spanish

This piece of advice is obvious in my opinion but needs to be pointed out given how many foreigners come to Colombia and don’t learn Spanish. Often times I have been asked “do I really need to learn Spanish?” to do well with Colombian women?
And I get it – it can be hard and intimidating to learn a foreign language. Especially if you are older and are limited on time anyway. But here’s the deal – if you don’t learn Spanish, you are limiting your options greatly.
You are primarily going to be dealing with scammers, highly educated upper class women or women who are specifically looking for a gringo for whatever reason (gringo hunters). And most of the Colombian women don’t fall into those categories.
So by not learning Spanish to at least a conversational level, which can take maybe 6 months, then you are limiting your options greatly.
Tip 2: Get Whatsapp
In Colombia and most of Latin America, Whatsapp is a popular messaging app that you can put on your phone for free. And every girl I have ever met down here uses it basically. It’s the preferred tool for communication down here so you will need it for dating Colombian women.
On top of that, you can use Whatsapp to your advantage to get talking with women before you even get down to Colombia – which we will discuss in this article.
Finally, you can use Whatsapp as long as you have Wifi and you can use it to send photos, videos and do video calls internationally for free or domestically when in Colombia.
Tip 3: Learn to Dance
In Colombia, dancing can be a good way to get very intimate with a Colombian women while on a date. Especially as dancing is very popular within Colombian culture.
For example, you got certain cities in Colombia where certain types of Latin dances are more popular than others:
- In Cali, salsa is very popular.
- In Valledupar, vallenato is very popular also.
So in general, I would say two of the more popular Latin types of music you will find in clubs and bars here are salsa and reggaeton. Of course, you got other types of Latin music like merengue that is popular also.
- Now with reggaeton, that is easy to dance to. It’s a type of music that is very sexual and doesn’t really require much to know how to enjoy it.
- With salsa, it’s more complicated and more difficult in general. Either way, knowing how to dance to salsa will be impressive to any Colombian woman.
And keep in mind that they don’t expect you to know how to dance to this stuff if you are not from there so don’t worry about having to be an expert at this stuff.Just learn the basics and it will be more impressive than you know – similar to learning Spanish. It will impress any woman down here.
Tip 4: Save Up Money
Obviously you are going to want to be comfortable financially while down here so you can best enjoy the dating scene. Now how much money you bring really depends on how long you plan on being here, where you are going and your lifestyle.
For me, I live in Bogota and spend a little over $1,000 USD a month to live here according to my standards of living. You could spend more or less than that.
In my experience, the more expensive cities are Bogota, Cartagena and Medellin. Less expensive cities include Pereira, Manizales, Cali, Barranquilla, etc.
So have a few thousand in savings anyway beyond what you think you will need and come prepared so you can enjoy the dating scene without worrying about money.
Tip 5: Work Out
This is a piece of advice you could give for doing well with women from any country. In reality, women are not that different across countries and I have been to quite a few. Now there are cultural differences but women are very similar no matter where you are.
And of course one way to do well with women is to be a high value man and improve yourself. This includes working out and keeping in shape.
Tip 6: Do Research On the Different Cities
Each city in Colombia is different when it comes to the women as I have written about on my website with the different city guides I have.
- Women in Medellin tend to be the most beautiful but also the most arrogant.
- Women in Cali and Pereira tend to also be beautiful and also the easiest to sleep with.
- And women in Bogota can be cold and less personal but also pretty as well.
You get the idea. There is a lot of information on my website regarding the many differences between the women and also the quality of life in each city in Colombia.
And don’t forget the quality of life either – some cities are worse than others when it comes to safety. Like Cali for example.
So don’t just think about the women but also what it will be like when you are there when doing your research.
Tip 7: Go Outside Medellin
Most men that go to Colombia to do well with the women here tend to go to Medellin and that city is overplayed in my opinion. To the point that foreigners will sometimes be stereotyped into being sex tourists for being a foreigner in Medellin as there are so many that go to Medellin for just the women.
And that doesn’t help when it comes to doing well with women.
Now you can do well with the women there regardless but there are so many other cities in Colombia worth checking out that have beautiful and easy women also:
- Pereira,
- Manizales,
- Cali,
- Barranquilla,
- etc…

Tip 8: Have Good Logistics
This is another piece of advice that is useful for anywhere and that is making sure you have ideal logistics for doing well with the women in this country.
Make sure you are located close to a lot of the nightlife and some shopping malls also.
And of course do your research on which neighborhoods to avoid and which ones to live in. Much of this information can be found on my website as well if you are curious and are at that point of deciding where to live in a certain Colombian city.
Tip 9: Avoid Scams and Dangers
In Colombia, it is no secret that it can be dangerous here obviously.
I’m not here to say that Colombia is now all of a sudden safe or that it is super dangerous either. In my experience, people who get into trouble in Colombia were either unlucky or they got involved in some bad situations. Just apply common sense when spending time in Colombia and you will most likely be OK.
Here are some tips:
- If a cop is looking for a bribe, pay him somewhere between $5 to $20 USD at most. Sometimes they look for bribes by accusing you of something you didn’t do. Having better Spanish helps obviously in negotiating.
- Watch your alcohol. Sometimes a woman will try to drug you if she is looking to rob your stuff.
- If an unknown woman is making herself too easy and sexual at a bar, use common sense and ask yourself if this is normal. Most likely it is a prostitute or someone trying to drug you.
- Don’t go walking around in Colombia with too much money on person. Nothing more than $50 USD at anytime and even that is pushing it in my opinion.
- When taking women back to your place to spend the night, hide some of your valuables in discrete areas of where you are staying in case she tries to rob you when sleeping. Most won’t but it could happen.
Tip 10: Recommended Alcohol
When it Colombia, a popular type of alcohol to buy when enjoying the night is aguardiente. It’s a bit heavy but can make for a good night. Purchase a bottle or two and have them at your place where you can take a woman. Then you two can chill and have a few drinks at your place after maybe spending time elsewhere in the city you go to.
When it comes to beer, Club Colombia is one of my more favorite beers here also.
Tip 11: Enroll in a University
For meeting new women in Colombia, enrolling in a local university can be a good option if that university has a more closed campus. It’s easy enough in my experience – just enroll in some Spanish course.
Now you don’t really have to attend the course or do the homework if you don’t want… Though you should if your Spanish is truly limited.
However, the main reason to do this is to get you access to more closed universities where there will be plenty of women you can meet during the day, get their numbers and meet later.
Tip 12: Go to the Shopping Malls
In Colombia, the shopping mall is often a great place to meet women during the day and there are several of them in most cities that you can go to. Not only that but also you will find that plenty of Colombian women prefer meeting at a shopping mall for the first date in my experience.
It’s often a safe place that usually has some security and plenty of people nearby so they tend to feel safer meeting at one of them first. And then you can take her elsewhere to a bar, park, café or your place.
So I recommend having your place located near a shopping mall and meeting them there to begin the date.
Tip 13: Start Meeting Girls Now Before You Arrive

Before you even get to Colombia, make sure you have options lined up to best use your time.
This is easy to do. I recommend using Tinder Plus (about $10 USD per month) or Colombian Cupid to meet Colombian women. You will need to use either of these options for at least 2 weeks before your arrival to Colombia though I prefer using a month before you show up.
Then when you open an account in either one, ask for their number quickly enough because they tend to have other men messaging them and it’s easy for a woman to forget you when she has other options on these online tools. And also I find most women are not too difficult anyway when it comes to giving out a number. So just ask for it quickly and don’t mess around with any one woman for too long on here.
Then put them into your phone with Whatsapp already installed. If you are dealing with a lot of women, put them in your phone in a way to help you remember who is who. A common way to do this is something like the following:
(Which website you used to meet them) –(name) (age) (location)
That gives you the basic info of who they are so you don’t forget anything basic when you are dealing with them through Whatsapp.
Screening the women into you
Then get talking with these women and try to quickly identify which woman is into you and which ones are not. Focus on the ones that are and slowly begin to escalate with them by sharing photos, video call even and also sending voice messages to them.
If your Spanish is good enough anyway for a voice message or a video call, doing either one of those is great because it also helps assure them that you are a real person that you say you are and that you are indeed a foreigner with a different accent.
Over time, a few of them might even get sexual before you show up by exchanging nudes, dirty talk, etc.
Now before you even show up to Colombia, have one of them wait for you at the airport. Anytime that I would travel to a new country or city, I would try to do this.
How to have a Colombian woman wait for you at the airport
Nothing is greater than having a nice Colombian or Latina woman that you have already been sexual with online waiting for you at the airport with a gift, a nice smile and in a dress even. Now how you do this is simple. Have two women in mind for who you would like to meet with at the airport.
However, only let the best one know when exactly you are arriving and with which airline. The best one will be the one that you are most attracted to and that she has shown considerable interest in you also.
Bonus points if she has also been sexual with you online. Plenty of them will but not all of them so it’s a bonus if that is the case actually. And let the best one know you are showing up a few days to a week at most with the basic info for when you are arriving exactly. Don’t give her the airline info until a day you are showing up.
Now in the mean time, work on the second one and let her know the day you are showing up but not the time or airline. And let her know you would like to see her and have a second woman agree to meet you at the airport. Just don’t get the second one any exact information yet.
So if the first one has to make sudden changes at the last second and can’t show up at the airport, you still got a second woman that can meet you and you give the exact information later before you show up. And in either case, you tell the other woman on the day you are showing up (the first or second one) that your flight has been delayed and won’t be showing up until the day after your arrival.
That way you don’t accidentally have two women waiting for you at the airport. In my experience, this guarantees that you will have a pretty woman waiting for you at the airport that you can ideally have sex with that same day you meet her.
Tip 14: Taxi Issues
When arranging dates with Colombian women, plenty of them will insist that you pay for her taxi on the date to have her show up to you or to the date in general.
Now I haven’t always done this but sometimes I can see it as useful if she is showing up directly to your place and has agreed to enter your place ahead of time to have the date there. Also, having her show up by public transportation will greatly increase the chance that she shows up notably late to the date.
Most Colombian women will show up late anyway to a date by 5 to 15 minutes. With public transportation, she might be showing up late even as much by 30 to 45 minutes.
So paying for her taxi isn’t always a bad thing but I am a bit hesitant anyway to spending too much money on a woman anyway before sex has even happened. But taxis are not expensive either way so it’s not a big deal. You are talking somewhere between $3 to $6 USD per taxi ride most likely.
Now if we have a date and she hasn’t had sex with me yet and the date is basically over, then I wouldn’t recommend paying her taxi for her to get home. I refused paying for a woman’s taxi at the end of a date and still had sex with them later on other dates. That doesn’t seem to kill their interest in you if you refuse to pay for a taxi after a date has ended so don’t worry about that anyway.
Tip 15: Visit During a Carnival
In Colombia, various cities will have carnivals in the year – especially around February to March. The biggest one is the Carnival of Barranquilla around that same time.
Now enjoying these carnivals is nice in itself without having to worry about dating success with the women here. There’s plenty of alcohol, music, dancing and entertainment in general. So stop by any of them to enjoy the event itself!
However, on top of the entertainment, Colombian women tend to be easier during them than during other days of the year. Something about the excitement and celebration that makes women more open to casual fun while this is all going on.
Plus you will sometimes even encounter women from other Colombian cities or even other Latin countries during these events like the Barranquilla Carnival specifically. And they are often just as open to casual fun as well.
So stop by anytime for any of them and especially for the Barranquilla Carnival and you will have a good time with the entertainment and ideally the women also.
Final Thoughts on dating Colombian women
In short, I hope you found this information useful for getting some basic insight into how to begin dating Colombian women. If you have any insight of your own, let us know in the comment section below.
And don’t forget to send me an email on my website if you have any questions or want to know more information on dating Colombian women and specific Colombian cities —
Thanks for reading and take care!
Hasta luego parceros,