What are the benefits Seduction can bring into your life?
In my previous post, I exposed my views on what Seduction is. There is so much confusion, and so many negative cliches going around, that I felt necessary to explain the point of view of someone who actually knows what he is talking about. In a nutshell: an effective and natural way of getting together with a woman you like.
“Alright Doc, now I get what Seduction is. But why should anyone learn Seduction anyway?”
Well, obviously, it is a lot of fun. Instead of being stuck for months waiting for the good graces of that One Special Girl that you “have been working on” to no avail, the tables are reversed. You are now the one calling the shots in your love life. The beauty of it is that – contrarily to what is portrayed in the media – it actually doesn’t entail drama.
But there is much more to it than the mere fun.
Here are, in my views, the biggest benefits Seduction can bring into your life.
The many benefits of Seduction
You get a real insight into feminine psychology
Probably most obvious among the benefits, Seduction will provide you a deep insight into women psychology.
In a nutshell, you get to understand that women are sexual beings at the core. All of them – and not just so called “sluts”. They just choose to display this side to the man, or not, depending on the man and his own prejudices. Why? Because they have a deep fear of being judged, and rightly so, for their sexuality. To a more judgmental man, they obviously prefer to display their “good girl” side.
Only when you start to understand this, and become non judgmental on these matters, will they open up and display this sexual side to you. You will start to see a side of femininity that you probably had no idea existed. Then many things you thought not possible will start to happen 😃 . See for yourself:
- Many women are much more open to casual, light and fun relationships than they care to admit – precisely because these relationships are light, drama and bullshit free!
- Some of the women will actually keep seeing you for months, even if they know you are seeing other girls.
- One day you meet a woman telling you she wants to get pregnant from you, then marry another guy to support raising the child. The “Lover vs Provider” paradigm (or “Sexy vs Useful Man” as I put it here) is real.
- Some girls (and pretty ones, too!) politely invite themselves into your bed on the same day you met them.
- You meet a girl who “booty calls” you on each of her birthdays.
- Also, you realize that many girls you met “forgot” to tell you about their boyfriend
- Finally, you realize some of the girls you have seduced, keep coming back in your life over the years.
If you had any doubts than women have a special thing for sexually confident men who “swipe them on their feet”, then after realizing the above these doubts are cleared forever.
Some people call this realization, the “Red Pill”. But it is better to understand and love the girls for who they really are, rather than to close the eyes and ignore a whole part of reality – namely women sexuality.
You get to choose your partners
This might not be obvious to a man who only ever had a few girlfriends in his life, with months of sexual abstinence in between two consecutive partners.
Men like to think they chose their girlfriend. But how much was his decision to stay with this girl based on the fact that he had no other sexual option at hand? That he may not have had another shot at sex for another 6 or 12 months, if he hadn’t settled with her? And if he had had more options to choose from, would he really have settled for her?
These are all serious questions. It makes you wonder who really chose the other one.
But none of that happens when you know how to rapidly and consistently get a new girl. You will have multiple options to choose from, and if you discover a little later that things won’t work out with your current girl, you can change for another one. Ultimately you end up staying with a girl that you really like. And that’s another of the benefits of Seduction.
Does that sound harsh? But this is what it takes to really choose a partner you like. And make no mistake, these same girls are themselves choosing among several options. It’s just fair game.
You become better at screening your relationships early on
Next on the list of benefits, with some Seduction experience, you will discover that different girls have different motivations for being around you – and not all of them are gold! Here are a few of the most common:
Reason 1. The Plan B
The man is seen as a “reasonable alternative” to the wildly sexually exciting guy that she has been trying to tame for months, before eventually leaving him in frustration.
The guys which are most sexually exciting to women, also happen to be those which have the most sexual options. And they are actively busy coping with the demand! So these guys are also the hardest to keep. How ironical!
So if a woman manages to get a hand on a guy like this, she will do all she can to “tame him” and get him to settle with her. And most of them will fail at that! Chances are that such a woman will try and try harder, and after several months of cries and drama, will end up leaving him in frustration. And settle instead with a less exciting but more stable guy who will also provide her with safety and resources necessary to start a family.
I urge you, dear Reader, to remember all what you heard from your present and past relationships. Did your girlfriend ever complained about a certain past experience who was particularly frustrating? Chances are that her frustration was due to her not being able to tame and control such a “wildly exciting guy”. Such men are at the top of the sexual pyramid, and as such are having much more than their fair share of women. It follows that a woman that has even a little bit of past dating experience, is very likely to have come across such a man at least once before.
It is the Author’s theory that this is a very common scenario out there, and by this theory, this is how many men find a long term partner.
After all, why not? You end up getting with a nice woman… if it was not for the thought: you are the Plan B!
Reason 2. She is mainly seeking material benefits from the man.
This is something deeply ingrained into women instincts: to try and attach to herself a male that will provide resources and safety. Because of that, all women will expect some degree of material benefits from her relationships.
But here, I am talking about an extreme version of that. You do NOT want a woman to be with you exclusively for the material advantages. Be sure that she will never have a real respect for you. And she will suck your bank account dry in the process.
Reason 3. She is with him for self validation and attention
Again, all women will have some part of them seeking validation and attention – most of them have so many insecurities, even the most pretty girls! So I am talking about some extreme version of that.
It is, again, in order to get some sort of benefits, although of a less material nature. She may want to be seen by their girlfriends with a man at their side. Or she may want a man she can boss around as she wants. Or she may use the sex as a way to rehearse her own self esteem.
Make no mistake, such a woman doesn’t care about the man. It is all about herself! And the guy is just an accessory.
Reason 4. She is sexually excited by the man and can’t wait to be around him!
In other words, she loves him!
As an experienced Seducer, you will become better at spotting her main motivations to be around you, very early on. Nowadays, I find that girls display huge cues of what they really want, even from the very first verbal / text exchanges. It is all too obvious, if you know how to listen!
For instance, pay attention when (if) the girl you just met is “strongly suggesting” where she would like the date to take place. Or, if she demands a gift from you. Or, if she says anything about how she values her freedom and doesn’t want to be tied down. Etc…
The most likely case is that her motivations are going to be a mix of the above, to various degrees. We men would like to be loved for who we are, but that’s just not the way it works!
Yet, you still need to make sure that there is enough of reason 4 to the mix of reasons she wants to be with you.
All in all, being experienced with girls will help you to better screen your woman before even entering in a relationship with her. I wished I had been able to do that in 1997, when I first met my materialistic future ex wife!
I think many disastrous relationships could be avoided if men were better able to screen their partners.
Power balance within your couple
This is something that I almost never see discussed in the Seduction community, yet another huge one among the benefits.
If you don’t learn to become a seducer, you will always be in an unfavorable position in comparison with your woman. If one day she gets mad at you, she can go to a bar wearing a miniskirt.
Franco (Manual of Seduction)
Women are naturally so much better than men at relationships that, without a minimum of Seduction experience, the power balance is strongly in favor of the woman in the couple. Look at all the couples you know where the guy is obviously controlled by his wife or GF!
It goes like this: in the average couple, after a few months, the man settles in comfort and loses his sexual alternatives, soon exclusively relying on his girlfriend for sex. That leads to a situation where she literally “holds him by the balls”, can threaten to withdraw sex, or even to leave him altogether, in order to assert control over him. In fact, the simple implied threat of withdrawal is often enough. She effectively can use sex as a power of veto!
At this stage, the guy is literally at her mercy. Over time, she gains some ascendant on him. Ultimately, she holds the upper hand and make him dance the way she wants. Note that this doesn’t come from a conscious, manipulative process from her. It is more a result of her natural instincts, seeking to secure control and safety for herself and her progeny. The problem is that, as she asserts more control over the man, she also starts losing sexual attraction for him. Bad things start to happen when she knows she has him!
Dear Reader, look at your present and past girlfriends. How many times did they leave you (or threaten to) during the course of the relationship? And how many times you ended up compromising with her as a result? Did your compromising made her more happy? Or did you actually get more drama as a result?
As a Seducer, the ability to easily and quickly get a new sexual partner if it comes to that, means he could tell her “you can leave any time you want, here is the door”. In fact, he won’t have to voice this explicitly, because she usually knows pretty well how much hold she really has on him. He now has veto power, too, and the balance of power is restored.
Trust me on this, her not being 100% sure she controls him, will keep her on her toes as well as sexually attracted to him.
This will result in a situation where the man remains a strong figure in the couple, which, I believe, is key to her long term sexual attraction to him – and ultimately for the happiness of both.
So here you go, dear Reader, the benefits of Seduction than you can take home:
- It is a lot of fun. That’s very appreciated if you are on the bounce from a difficult relationship.
- You are discovering a side of femininity that you probably didn’t suspect. And you get to love women for who they really are, rather than just a certain idea of them.
- You are better able to choose from possible partners and screen your relationships.
- And you get into relationships with better terms for yourself!
As you see, it goes much further than just the fun.
So now that I have (hopefully) convinced you of the benefits that Seduction can bring to your life, dear Reader, you may be asking yourself:
What does it take, and what must I do to become good at the Seduction game?
And this will be the exact topic of my next post in this series.
Just stay tuned!