Sometimes, sexual escalation is just smooth sailing. Today’s post will be the first case study on sexual escalation, as experienced in real life by yours truly 😃, and what better start than showing a case when it comes easy.
Sexual escalation can sometimes be very easy. When you two went on a date, had a good personal chemistry, the date went smoothly, and either (i) she does not have strong in principle objections, or (ii) she is really horny. In a case like this, it is going to be smooth sailing. Here is one such real life example, where I meet the girl on a first date in a restaurant, then take her home and get to sex in a matter of twenty minutes.
Esther my smooth sailing date
Esther is a 29 years old match from Tinder, pretty appearance, sexy shapes, and very sweet smile.
We initially chat a little bit, then I float the idea of meeting: “I matched you because of the smile. I hope I get to see it in real some time soon”. “Yeah we should meet up”. I continue a bit with some normal chat, then return with the idea of a restaurant. We clear some logistics details and agree to go out the next day. We also switch to WhatsApp.
I normally don’t do formal restaurants, but well, I guess that is the exception that confirms the general rule. She lives not far away so I agree to pick her up at her place with my car. During the day I send a few “anti-flake” texts to make sure she’s still on board.
The date
I show up at her place at 7pm as agreed. She is a feminine woman with a warm smile, good appearance and nice womanly shapes. I greet her by briefly shaking her hand. I take a good look at her then tell her “very cute” with a smile. We get to my car.
In the car I start building comfort by keeping a steady conversation. She compliments me for my looking young. At some point we talk about her African hairstyle and I actually get to touch her hair.
When we arrive to the restaurant, I briefly take her hand in mine and feel that it wants to stick there – a good sign. We sit at the table, order, and our conversation warms up. There comes a moment when I joke about having 21 fingers. “Maybe I’ll show you my 21st finger some time!”. Several times I extend my hand towards her, and she puts her hand in mine. Later in the dinner I start noticing two signs:
- when she holds my hand, she is softly rubbing her thumb in a circular fashion against the back of my hand
- She is rubbing the base of her wine glass up and down.
These two signs are unmistakable.
Time to move forward
I get the check then we’re back in my car. I tell her “It is a still little bit early. Let’s go somewhere listen to some music”. She answers that she would rather go home for now and do the music another day, but at the same time still rubbing my hand while I drive. I decide to simply ignore what she said and just drive to my nearby home. “Okay, I’m going to show you my apartment and in 30 minutes will drive you back”. She smiles and holds my hand while I walk her inside my building. In the elevator, she is touching my biceps and pecs.
The smooth sailing
Within five minutes, we are side by side on my couch. I have my hand around her, appreciating her nice round ass. My other hand is gently touching her bare thighs. She is smiling, we start kissing, I kiss her on her neck. I tell her “I am going to touch your boob. I didn’t touch any boob since the beginning of the 14th century”. She starts apologizing that her boob is small. “Are you saying it’s all the bra?” I touch. “No, there’s a real boob in there. You have nothing to worry about, you’re in the good average.” I get to extract her boob from her dress and suck her nipple. “Feels good :-)” I tell her with a sexy smile.
She starts running her hand on me – initially on the chest. But then she ventures down, and soon is on my crotch. I tell her that my friend is happy with the situation. “I can tell”, she says, while rubbing my hard-on through the trousers. Meantime, I am going through more boobs sucking. Her breathing pattern is changing. Time to step up. I unloose my tee shirt, my belt, and my trousers buttons. She soon extract my friend and gives it a hand job.
She is now ahead of me in the escalation. I venture my hand under her dress and rub her woman part through the panties. Okay. Now time to get real. I take out a condom, put it on, lay her on the couch and start the job. That was just twenty minutes after she first set foot in my flat.
We met a second time directly at my flat about a week later.
Overall, I followed the template described in my post “three steps to a smooth seduction“.
During the date, I used a sexual innuendo (the “21st finger”) to frame myself as a sexual man. Masculine boldness is one of these character traits that women dig in a man – whether they admit it or not. Few men will dare openly suggesting sex on their first date, and it will make you stand out. I recommend you use sexual innuendos in your dates.
She also gave me several signs of interest / horniness:
- Spontaneous compliments
- Warm body language and attitude
- There was no resistance in giving me her hand when I requested it
- She was softly rubbing her thumb against the back of my hand
- And there was this characteristic up and down stroking of the base of her wine glass
When we left the restaurant and got in my car, she turned down my proposition to “go somewhere”. However:
- She could have understood it as going to a second venue, as opposed to going to my home
- She could have got the hint but just be saying that as a token resistance.
Since I had so many positive signs, including signs of horniness, I decided to just silently ignore her objection, and lead to my home anyway. And, by the way, this is display of another masculine quality: leadership.
Also worth noting that I pulled all that without the faintest hesitation or awkwardness. I was coming from a place of total confidence. Act if the sale has already been concluded… If you show any sign of hesitation, she will sense it, and will give you some difficulties. Instead, acting in total confidence contributes to turn her on.
Regarding the escalation, all I did was to sit her next to me at home and put my hand around her body. Soon, she was the one escalating me.
What if I hadn’t pushed to go home?
That would have been a risky move for at least two reasons:
- If her turning down my proposition to “go somewhere” was a test to my manly resolve, I would have failed the test. Although I looked like the nice lion, maybe I was just a paper tiger after all… This is the purpose of all women tests: to find out if you’re the real deal.
- If I had let her go home while super horny, the next day she could potentially wake up cold on me. Women are deeply disappointed when they find out the man “doesn’t get it”. They are horny but a whole number of external factors mean they cannot take the initiative, so they hope that the man will get it and take care of it!
Some women are more accommodating than others, and are open to give the man a second chance (and second date). But others will be more ruthless, and you won’t see them again. In my experience, the more feminine and beautiful women tend to be of the latter kind…
If I hadn’t pushed to go home, the two most likely outcomes would have been:
- She accepts a second date later on. But then, she tests me harder and makes herself harder to get.
- She becomes evasive about meeting a second time, then slowly (or abruptly) fades away…
How would I know? Well, because before getting where I am today, I went to many, many first dates, many of which ended into one of the two outcomes above. These problems disappeared when I started to lead the girl to my home.
What if she hadn’t given me so many signs ?
Some girls are better are not giving themselves away than others. She could still be interested in me even if I don’t see signs.
Or she could be moderately interested. Yet both “masculine boldness” and leadership are very sexually attractive to the opposite sex, and could still win her over. Taking her directly to home and escalating her on date 1 is precisely one of these ballsy masculine moves.
So, my best course of action would still have been to push for my home. Either way, I still would get a good chance to succeed. The other option (betting for a second date) would have been more speculative.
In any case, the best chance was still to go for it on date 1.
Women have sexual desires, too. They get horny.
It is something too often overlooked by men when dating. Society and most men, however, are very judgmental about women sexuality, and women have learned to express their desires in a covert manner, if at all. This means it falls upon the man to take this into account and smoothly lead her to bed and give her the great sex she secretly craves for. And guess what, they will be grateful to him when he does!
And when you manage to do that with no awkwardness, it will be very often smooth sailing with little or no resistance, like it was with Esther here.
I hope you found this case study informative, dear Reader, and stay tuned for more.